Monday, January 16, 2012

Resolutions....learning to trust myself!

I don't really believe in making a "new years resolution." I think that as we find a quality about ourselves that we don't like...we should change it at that time. Why wait until January 1st to evaluate what you should and should not be doing in life?

I am learning to not believe what people say...but believe what people do! An action is a shout...whereas a verbal promise is just a whisper. Back in the old days...a man's hand shake was good enough to get a loan from a bank...payback a friend money...or make an obligation to someone. Unfortunately, the world has changed. I am one of those trusting people who thinks that a shake of a hand should be enough to make a deal. People should have enough integrity and pride in who they are as a person to be honest in life. What makes a person feel it's ok to NOT put their best foot forward others ALWAYS....try their best ALWAYS....and never intentionally hurt anyone ALWAYS!!!! Everyone makes mistakes, but in my opinion intentional acts are not mistakes. I ask myself, how do you tell the difference between the people that have good intentions and the ones that have bad intentions?

I am learning that God puts a "gut feeling" in each of us. I think we all have it...I know that I do...and it seems like I "talk my self out of that "gut feeling". I always tell myself..."don't think that bad thing of that person"...then I push that feeling aside and trust blindly. That is what I need to change. I need to TRUST MYSELF. If I look back at most of the things that have happened to me that were negative I had that feeling before it happened. I need to not worry as much about hurting others feelings and trust my instinctual feelings. It's not going to be easy....but it's something I need to change about myself and I am determined to do it!

I believe that I am only responsible for my actions and reactions to how I am treated. How others decide to live their lives is not my business. I chose to live the best life I can and try my hardest to do right by others....I will never be perfect nor would I want to be....but I will not intentionally hurt others and when I do UNintentionally hurt others...I will make my wrongs right immediately.

On the flip side of that...I will not be walked on and will not allow others to take advantage of me. Sometimes people take kindness as a weakness...but I don't agree. Kindness is one of the strongest quality's someone can posses....the weakness only comes into play if the kindness is taken advantage of and I ALLOW it.

So, I guess my new years resolution is to trust myself more from now on and listen to my inner voice. :)

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