Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes....

They say the first year is the hardest....all the firsts without him will hit you like a ton of bricks and with time it will get easier...some things do...some don't. I missed him more than usual on monday when my pipe broke...went to reach for the phone....dialed the first 3 numbers...saw his picture come up on my phone and the harsh reality that he would not answer came in the form of tears and gut wrenching pain. I tried to "snap out of it" all day...but could not quite get out of the funk.
On Friday, it will be 8 months since I last heard his voice...made plans to see him in a few hours...seemed like a normal day. Then it all changed. Life has moved forward since has to, but it does not make missing him any easier.
Tonight when I was visiting Courtney and the family....Addy reached up for me to bend over and hug her. I would usually pick her up....but just wrapped my arms around her this time. She held on tight and whispered in my ear, "I used to hug my bubbies just like this when he was alive." I felt a huge lump in my throat forming but knowing that I needed to stay strong for her, I swallowed the tears. She then asked if I missed bubbies too....I told her since he is not here to hug anymore, she can hug me the same way she used to hug him and I missed him so much too...she squeezed my neck so tight and whispered , "I love you."
It was a moment I will not forget....a moment that I wish he was here to hug her for....and maybe me too!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 17 thankful for...

Since yesterday was not the day I expected and did not get home until after midnight...I did not have time to write.
Soooooo day 17 thankful for is all the great kids in my life. Yesterday my little man Caiden was with his mom at work and out of the blue he wanted to draw me a picture and deliver it. Warms my heart and made my whole day so much better!!!! I am very blessed to have the people in my life...and some of those people are pint size. ;)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13 thankful for....

Today I am thankful for my mom! I spent the day in Napa with her, taking pictures and enjoying the scenery. She is very creative, loving, and can fix ANYTHING!!!! My favorite memories as a child wrap around her baking us cookies and doing crafts with her. At 34 years old...there are still times that nothing makes me feel better than my mom! I am thankful for my mom!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10 thankful for...

I am so glad I did this 30 days of why i am has lifted my spirit and forced me to think of all my blessings.
Day 10 I am thankful for my friend Marcia. I have many loyal, loving friends and I am so blessed in that department....but today I am thankful for Marcia.
Most people see our pictures on Facebook having adventures...traveling...taking pictures and just having a great time. We have a unique friendship...we can spend a week together and not get tired of each in the car for 12 hours and never argue...we are annoyed by the same things and love the same hobbies too...we seem to usually be in the same mood at the same time so our time just flows smoothly. We love the same foods and our time together is just easy and always fun!
That's just a few of the reasons I am thankful for her. Most people don't know how much she supports me...when Rob passed away she was right there...laying next to me as I sobbed for hours...just being there...knowing I did not need words...just needed to know someone cared! I am thankful that she loves me...for me!!!
I really believe that God places people in our lives in his timing and we should trust that...cherish and nurture those friendships. I don't waste my time on negative, petty, controlling and selfish people...if I put my time and energy into those would take away from all the amazing people that God has given me!
Sooooo day 10 I am thankful for the amazing friendship that I have with Marcia...I appreciate her more than I think she will ever know!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5...thankful for...

Tonight was my last night at group therapy for people that have experienced a sudden loss in their life. I went into the group only thinking that I would gain something out of it...that I would find the tools to heal my pain. I feel like I learned so much and have some of the tools I need to continue moving forward. Tonight the facilitator of the group took me aside and said that I was inspirational and a positive person and that some of the ideas I shared in group, she was going to bring up in future group therapy sessions. It made me feel good that not only did I get a lot out of group... But that I was able to contribute as well. So today I am thankful for the people I met at group therapy for helping me move forward in life...and continue to heal.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful...Day 3

Today I am thankful for my friends...
It's been a tough year and I have seen the best and the worst in people. I am blessed to have friends in my life that don't judge me and have "put up with" some of my interesting behaviors in the past few months. They have rolled with the punches...kept me active...never judged me....let me cry in the middle of a restaurant if I needed to...and been a strong shoulder when mine were weak. I have never felt so sad, yet so surrounded with love and support all at the same time. I am so thankful for my friends. :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful for my job...both of them!

November 1,1997 I started working at Baker Cadra. I was 19 years old, in college and working three other jobs. It was a super stressful time and I still wonder today how I was able to balance it all. After a year at Baker Cadra, they offered me a different position and I started full time and quit the other jobs....but continued my schooling. It's been 15 years now.... I have spent part of my teens, my 20's and now my 30's there. I have grown, changed, matured, and become who I am, surrounded by people I now consider an extension of my family. The economy has hit our practice and had hours cut but I still have my job.. still have medical insurance and a retirement plan. I still go to work everyday with people that I care about and am proud to work for amazing oral surgeons.
A few years back I started my photography business. This is my passion...what my heart cheers for....what my soul is fed's really what I am meant to be. I am the most happy when I have a camera in my hand and someone on the other side smiling. :)
So I am so thankful to have a job where I spend the day with my extended family helping patients and another job that feeds my soul with a camera in my hand. I am so blessed!!!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A month of being thankful...

This year more than ever I feel like I need to focus on what I have to be thankful for. This year has been a taxing year for me in many ways. BUT it's MY choice to focus on that, or all the wonderful things in my life.'s my goal to blog once a day in the month of November about what I am thankful for... here it goes!

Today I am thankful for Gabriel. He has brought a lot of joy into my life, even through his ups and downs. He has a great sense of humor and is so kind and gentle to little kids, animals and the elderly. He is the best cuddlier EVER! He ALWAYS gives me a hug and kiss when I see him (and I don't even have to ask...for a 12 year old...that's a miracle. lol) He is so fun to take on photo trips and is always the first to spot a great picture. He is super creative and I really believe that one day he will be a great inventor of something amazing! (You should see all the things he has already invented...robot housekeepers, ping pong games ect) He has taught me to love even when it's hard to, have patience and be more creative! So day 1...I am thankful that God brought Gabe into my life! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

God never gives us more than we can handle....but does he think I am superwoman or something?

I have faith in a plan much bigger and greater than my own....I believe that people, situations and life experiences are put in place for me to grow as a person. Sometimes, it feels overwhelming and I wonder if God thinks that I am superwoman?!?!?!
I have a wonderful, blessed life and I believe that our attitudes and behaviors dictate how happy we are each day. However, there are circumstances in life that throw curve balls at us and make the decision to be happy each day a little harder! Is this a test from God? To see if we are going to continue to honor the life he has given us by choosing happiness? I feel like I have had a million baseballs thrown at me all at once this year. Between Gabriel's hospitalizations, the deaths of 4 people (one of them being my best friend) and the betrayal of a close friend...I feel overwhelmed to say the least. If God does not give me more than I can handle...I must be able to handle a lot.

Everything in life is a learning experience....or I should can be a learning experience. We choose to learn and grow or be sad and bitter. Maybe this is a time in my life to see my own hold my head high but to also show my weakness and reach out to others for their strength. This may be the time in my life that I can show that I need others. I have always had several balls juggling in the air all at once....never dropping any of them. I am the one that gives advice to the friend that needs it, has my emotions always put together and handles emergency situations with grace. This is the first time in my life that I have truly NEEDED other people. It scares me to need someone else....makes me feel vulnerable.
The pastor that I have been talking to during this time has given me insight into so many things. He has opened my eyes to relationships in my life...the healthy and unhealthy ones. He has helped me see what I deserve and don't deserve and that it is ok to ask for help and be vulnerable. He has made me realize that there are selfish people out there....the people in my life that are selfish are betraying me because I am not there for them right now...I am not the strong one....I am the one that needs help and not everything revolves around them. Several people have told me that "people show their true colors when someone passes away." I totally agree now.

Since I believe happiness is a choice...I am doing my best everyday to look at the good in and laugh everyday. It's not always easy...the easy thing would be to pull the covers over my face every morning and pretend that God did not give me another day to enjoy! I have always thought of life as a gift....and continue to focus on that gift. I want to see things, go places, meet new people, eat good food, enjoy and laugh with family and friends....and all of that is A CHOICE!!!

There are no guarantees in time clock saying how long we will be guarantee that we will have it "easy" i just try to make the best out of everything that happens...good and bad. So as the curve balls in life are thrown at me...I will dodge and catch them. I will not let the balls knock me matter how hard it gets....and keep a smile on my face as I do it!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The meaning of Life...

We don't give kids enough credit. To often we dismiss what they have to say because "they are just kids", they don't have the life experience to have knowledge. I believe that life experience does create knowledge, however with life experience comes baggage and pain. Think back to your "first love"....that love was the most pure because no one before that person had hurt you, disappointed you or showed you that relationships should be anything but "love". Over time, that changes. We become jaded and less trusting with our hearts. Kids know how to love that "pure love".

Gabe always has a million questions. Usually this is one of the things that I love about him...but yesterday my patience was running thin. I was tired from work, going to the gym and I still had errands to run. Gabe and I are walking through Target and his million questions start. "why do turtles have short legs?" "do you think its a good idea to start my own business when I get older?" The list goes on. So...since my patience was short...I asked him, "What's your next question going to be, What's the meaning of life?" He very innocently said..."No, I already know the answer to that question, It's loving other people." I stopped dead in my tracks and was in awe at the maturity and innocence in that statement. It's so true.

Since children do not understand "romantic love", I know the kind of love Gabe was speaking of was the type you have for your friends and family. Some people we love because they have been in our lives so long that its just a natural feeling...never a thought...just an instinctual feeling. Other love for friends comes with time. Learning to trust someone, having things in common with someone, being there for the person when they need you the most and accepting them for their good and bad qualities.

There is a saying that you learn who your real friends are when times get tough. I have learned that this last month. I have learned who is there for me and who is not. Who answers there phone when I need a shoulder to lean on and who does not. I have two close friends that have sat on the phone with me until I fell asleep so I would not have to fall asleep alone...friends that drop everything in that moment so that I can cry because a "first" has happened and I miss him more than words can say. I have friends that laid next to me and just let me cry...never judging or telling me that it's going to be ok...cause they love me enough not to lie. Friends that keep me busy and call and check on me to just make sure I am ok. All these friends have busy lives and have so much on their own plates...but LOVE me enough to be there for me. I am fortunate to have so many great people in my life.

Living alone is something that I have always loved...until now! My house is more empty now that Rob is not here...I did not realize how much I really did not live alone until he was not here to keep me company anymore. It seems like my grief gets a little harder as time goes on...because the more time that passes, is not time that I heal...its more time that I realize that he is not here anymore....It's not a bad's reality. Life must move forward and go on...but there will not be a day that I do not miss my Robbie Jeagle....

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Missing my best friend....

Most people have friends that come in and out of their lives...the friends they had as young children, they don't stay close to. People change...go off to college...change their likes and dislikes...have different political views...grow as people...change their opinions and life views. People grow's nautral and does not mean that you do not share and hold those childhood memories close to your heart still...but your lives just go in different directions.
I have an INCREDIBLE group of friends...I have people in my life that love and accept me for who I am...good and bad. Most of my close friends I have had since childhood or high school. My friends are from all walks of life and are living all over the world from Florida to Japan.
Robbie was a consistant part of my life. We both stayed in Modesto and never our lives had no reason to separate. I feel fortunate that God gave me the years that he did with Rob...but I wanted more.
I am a person that is in control in almost everything in my life. I have a handle on things finances....and emotions, A huge lesson in life is that we CAN'T have control over everything.  That is when someones true colors will come out. How do you handle the "lack of control" when it happens....since it is inevitiable? I don't show emotions often...don't cry often...don't get all sappy when I watch movies like, "The Notebook." I am not the typical girl who gets emotional at a hallmark emotions just work different. However, recently I have been a blubbering mess of crying and emotions and I have no control. It's very hard for me...but I am trying to take this rush of emotions as a lesson in life...and maybe this will give me more empathy for others who do show emotions.
On April 21, 2012 at 5:45 my life completly changed. I was on my way to take Gabe to see the Modesto Nuts play baseball when I got the call. In that one second I knew that my life would forever be changed. I did not know the extent of it or it what ways...but I knew that I would never feel the same inside again. When I hear people say "Life will go on" and "Time will heal this"....I agree with that to a certain extent. However, life will not ever go on as it was can't. A pivitol person in my life is no longer with me. I will go on and continue my daily routine and find a new routine without him...Life will go on...but it will not go on that way it was. That is what I mean when I say that I need to find my new normal. I never realized just how much I relyed on him EVERYDAY for everything from fixing my sink to fixing my heart until he was not there to fix it anymore.
When someone says "Time will heal this"...I don't agree. Time will not heal anything. I do not think that you ever fully heal from this but I think that time gives the gift of learning your "new normal" and gives you the strength to go day to day without bursting into tears in front of the Target clerk that asks "how is your day going?" (Yes that happened to me last week) Time only gives us the gift of learning to live our daily lives without calling that person to say hi or looking next to you on the couch and it's empty. I am not sure that is "healing" because that void will always be there and the footprint that he left on my soul is still there....but life here on earth must move forward.
In my opinion, I will never be fully healed from this tragedy....but knowing that God is by my side and he has always and will always give me the strength to see the positive things that life offers, makes me have so much peace! God has a master plan...he knows what will happen in each of our lives, he sees our hearts, he puts people in our lives at just the right moment when we need them. God will always take care of me by working through the people here on earth to provide the support and comfort that I need.
At the services yesterday...Rob's 5 year old niece, Addy came up and sat on my lap for a little while. She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear "I love more 108, 340 times, Mantha."(She calls me Mantha) Those are moments that we need to focus on...the people we need to put our positive feelings towards. That moment gave me so much joy and hope. We should all grieve as children do....with love!
I am going to focus my grief on the love I have for Robbie and all the good moments we shared...those moments are everlasting and I am fortunate to have more memories that I can count.

I spoke at his memorial yesterday. I felt like it was my way of honoring him and telling others how amazing he was. I do not need to say goodbye...because I will see him again on the other side! Here is a copy of what I said at the service yesterday...I hope that it shows everyone a glimpse into the wonderful man that he was....

Hi my name is Samantha Hess and I have known Robbie since elementary school. I found a true friendship with Robbie. I had a friend that knew me so long and so well that I never needed to explain who my family was...because my family was his family and his mine. I never had to explain why I had the habits I had...because he knew them as well as I did. I never needed to tell him how I was feeling about something because he knew me well enough by the look on my face or tone of my voice. We talked about everything...there was nothing that I could not tell him because I never felt judged by Robbie and I never judged him.

I never worried about saying something to make him upset at me and loose the friendship we shared because I knew that no matter what happened in life....we would always have each other. There were times that we would get mad at each other...but I knew that no matter what.... we would end up "just getting over it." There were days we would spend together and after the "how was your day" talk, no words were spoken for hours...just because we were so comfortable with each other and just enjoyed each others company.

There is a comfort in having someone in your life for 25 years. A feeling of peace when they are in the room. He was who I turned to when I needed to feel comforted. The comfort that he provided for me in my times of need are not measurable. Every time my heart was broken or I was going through a difficult time he knew just what I needed...just to have him there. He would come and sit with me....he knew that I did not need him to talk, tell me "everything's going to be ok" hug me or try to cheer me up...I just needed him to sit next to me and BE THERE....and he always did that for me. What a wonderful gift that God gave me in him.

He was the type of guy to drop everything in his life if a friend needed him. He was not that for only me, but many others. I can't even count the number of times that I called him in a panic and he rushed over to save the day.

One of those times.... I fell off my front porch, broke my leg and he and Courtney were at my house in a matter of minutes...he swopped me up...put me in the truck and to the emergency room. According to Courtney he did not even stop at the red lights so he could get to me quicker.

There was another time that I called him at 2am because I heard a noise on my roof...I was determined that someone was going to chain saw their way through my roof to hurt me...I know now that was a little dramatic but at the time I was terrified. I called Rob crying and again he was at my house in minutes. The funny part about that incident was that he was in such a rush to get to me that he was in his underwear a t-shirt and his work boots...he came over so quickly he did not even put pants on. It was just a raccoon on the roof so it ended up being a huge joke between us. I would tease him and tell him to make sure he put pants on before he came over.

What I would give to tell him again to get his dirty work boots off the couch...stop texting and watch the movie with me...complain because he ate the whole bag of Doritos and did not leave any for me....argue about who was going to drive to Taco Bell to get dinner...hear him complain in the winter that my house was to cold and make fun of his redneck outfits.

I miss having our movie nights...we would spend an evening watching 4-5 movies and eating junk food.  All of you that know me know that I cant sit still for long. I cant sit through an entire movie. My mind starts racing and I think "I can do a load of laundry real quick" or "wash the dishes" I would sit down with great intentions of watching the whole movie without getting up but it just never happened. I miss him counting each time I would get up...he would not say anything...just every time I would get off the couch he would say 1...then the next time 2....and keep that going all night. Then I would make him watch the same movies over again cause I missed so many good parts...he never complained, just watched the movie over and over again until I caught the whole movie in sections.

Robbie had an incredible gift in life to love unconditionally. He was able to see who a person really was. He did not care what type of car you drove, what color your skin  was or how much you weighed...if you had a great soul...he could see it and loved you for that! That is so rare to find. When he would meet someone new...he never described what they looked like or what material possessions they had in life...he told me about the person that they were.

Unconditional love is what we all strive to find in a friend...we were all so fortunate to have Rob give us the gift of unconditional love. To honor him I will always try to do the same...unconditionally love others.

I have peace in knowing that I don't have a doubt that he knew I loved him and I know he loved me. I have always wanted peace for his soul...always wanted him to have true happiness. My heart hurt knowing that his soul was pained. I find comfort in knowing that he is at peace heaven.

When I think about everything that I will miss about Robbie the list does not end. My life will not be the same...I will need to find a new normal...there is a piece that will always be missing...I will forever miss you Robbie!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bucket List

Doesn't everyone have a bucket list? Maybe not everyone has it in writing but most people have a list of things that they want to do before they die. I wrote mine 6 years ago when I bought my house. I realized that buying my home all on my own was one of the top things on my bucket list. It gave me a huge feeling of accomplishment and I started thinking of all the things that I wanted to do next.
I was talking with a friend the other night about bucket lists and it got me thinking about mine. I have not looked at it in over a year and I wrote it 6 years much has changed in my life since then...but here it bucket list from 6 years ago....
-Make a true difference in someones life. Not a small thing...something BIG!
-Travel to every state in America (I have visited 15 states so far...lots to go)
-Build a home in the story with a wrap around porch
-Get married
-Have two kids
-Conquer my fear of heights
-Go zip lining (must conquer fear of heights first LOL)
-Take a sailboat ride on the ocean
-Walk along the Great Wall of China
-See all seven wonders of the world
-Drive in a race car on a race track
-Visit the White House
-Ride a horse on a beach
-Snorkel in Australia
-Own my own business
-Write a children's book
-Take a gondola ride in Italy

Now I have to think about what has changed....Do I want different things now or do I have the same bucket list?!?!?!? So...what's on your bucket list?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Resolutions....learning to trust myself!

I don't really believe in making a "new years resolution." I think that as we find a quality about ourselves that we don't like...we should change it at that time. Why wait until January 1st to evaluate what you should and should not be doing in life?

I am learning to not believe what people say...but believe what people do! An action is a shout...whereas a verbal promise is just a whisper. Back in the old days...a man's hand shake was good enough to get a loan from a bank...payback a friend money...or make an obligation to someone. Unfortunately, the world has changed. I am one of those trusting people who thinks that a shake of a hand should be enough to make a deal. People should have enough integrity and pride in who they are as a person to be honest in life. What makes a person feel it's ok to NOT put their best foot forward others ALWAYS....try their best ALWAYS....and never intentionally hurt anyone ALWAYS!!!! Everyone makes mistakes, but in my opinion intentional acts are not mistakes. I ask myself, how do you tell the difference between the people that have good intentions and the ones that have bad intentions?

I am learning that God puts a "gut feeling" in each of us. I think we all have it...I know that I do...and it seems like I "talk my self out of that "gut feeling". I always tell myself..."don't think that bad thing of that person"...then I push that feeling aside and trust blindly. That is what I need to change. I need to TRUST MYSELF. If I look back at most of the things that have happened to me that were negative I had that feeling before it happened. I need to not worry as much about hurting others feelings and trust my instinctual feelings. It's not going to be easy....but it's something I need to change about myself and I am determined to do it!

I believe that I am only responsible for my actions and reactions to how I am treated. How others decide to live their lives is not my business. I chose to live the best life I can and try my hardest to do right by others....I will never be perfect nor would I want to be....but I will not intentionally hurt others and when I do UNintentionally hurt others...I will make my wrongs right immediately.

On the flip side of that...I will not be walked on and will not allow others to take advantage of me. Sometimes people take kindness as a weakness...but I don't agree. Kindness is one of the strongest quality's someone can posses....the weakness only comes into play if the kindness is taken advantage of and I ALLOW it.

So, I guess my new years resolution is to trust myself more from now on and listen to my inner voice. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Saying goodbye to photographs

Just like every year in my life...there were ups and downs in 2011. BUT the ups out did the downs for sure! I started out last New Years working a photo job for a man that was throwing his Mom a 60th birthday party but was still able to make it to be with my friends to watch the ball drop! Great way to start a fantastic year! I wanted to write a blog about all the fun adventures I went on this year....and of course I have to show you the adventures through pictures.....

Started out the year with a trip to Yosemite....

First stop...a barn on the side of the road

A blanket of snow had fallen the night before...making the park look magical.
We found a waterfall

This is the best view of Yosemite...AMAZING!

Next trip was to Colorado in March...had a great time visiting my brother and his family. We went to the zoo, butterfly pavillion, and had a great time with the kids!

That smile makes me happy!

Alex LOVED the merry go round!

Kristen bought Alex this shirt..says "My Aunt Rocks" :)

It's hard to leave the kids every time I come back home, but the memories I make when I am with them will last a lifetime!

Next big trip was Florida in April....I wanted to see Melissa and to take Gabe to Disney World. She drove and met us at Disney World for a few days. Loved seeing her...but it was so hot and humid that Gabe and I were melting in that southern we would wake up early and get all the fun stuff done before the humidity got to bad...

We took the kids to dinner with the charactors on Easter Sunday!

Gabe thought it was the coolest thing to have pizza delivered to a hotel and eat in bed. It's the little things in life that make us happy!

French Ice was good but melted so fast from the heat!

After Disney World we went to Cape Canaveral...we were hoping to watch the shuttle launch but the changed it at the last minute. We did take the tours and see the shuttle on the launch pad. Gabe and I had lunch with an astronaut...which was our favorite part of that trip! The next the Universal Studios. Gabe really wanted to see the Harry Potter park there. He was in HEAVEN...he loved it. We even had their special root beer! That day we took the long drive to Southern Florida where we went on a tour of an alligator farm. That was awesome! We even got to hold snakes and baby alligators. Cool experience!
Lunch with the astronaut. This was our favorite part of the NASA experience...not only was the food really good (we were so tired of fast food) but Gabe was able to ask her a question and we learned a lot! Gabe talked about this for a long time after!

Here is the shuttle ready to launch!

Gabe loves Harry Potter...This was a huge deal for him...we got butterbeer...

The alligators came right up to the boat...awesome!

They even let us hold the baby alligators and snakes.

I have ALWAYS wanted to go to the southern most part of the U.S. It's the only place in America where you can get a sunrise and sunset picture on the same beach! We took the LONG drive down the Keys. Key West is beautiful and full of history. We had to stop and have key lime pie since we were there...and we did get a sunset picture...however there were to many clouds in the morning to get sunrise pictures!
Key West...Yah for sunsets!

He was so excited to eat Key Lime pie. He tried it...and then said it was gross...sad sad disappointment...obviously this picture is before he tired it. :)

This is the spot I wanted to go to. It was on my bucket list. I have now been to the southernmost tip of the U.S.

On our way back to Orlando we stopped at the Coral castle, Miami and a few other stops along the way...
We stayed the night in Ft Pierce. Florida. It was a very cute town.

This is the Coral Castle...a man spent his whole life building this place out of coral for the love of his life...she broke his heart and never moved in with him. Great story, huh!

Another amazing sunset in Florida

It was 12 days of lots of fun and new experiences!!!!

Next trip was with my girls again in Half Moon Bay and San Francisco!

We got matching superman shirts for the day!

Our romantic dinner cruise under the golden gate bridge. Best dates I have ever had!!!

All the couples were having their picture taken like of course we did too!

We also took a "romantic" dinner cruise under the golden gate bridge. It was so fun....other than a nice guy that was with his nephew...we were the only ones that we not a "couple". Which made for some great people watching. :)

Next trip was Tahoe for 4th of July week!
Adam, Kristen and the boys came out to visit...
Such a handsome boy...

Golfing with my Dad and brother

Coop had a dragonfly land on him. He was so excited.

Some of my best memories as a kid was riding bikes with my brother in Tahoe...glad that my nephews and Gabe get to do the same...

We still have the same swing in the backyard....Coop loves to swing!

Kristen and I had matching shirts...but did know it...

When we took Cooper fishing he was more excited about playing with the worms than fishing. He kept saying, "They are cute lil fellows"

Cooper has an ear fetish....

How do you not fall in love with that sweet face!

Next trip was up to Volcano with Jess and Marcia again...
We decided to go up to Volcano and Indian Grinding Rock....I drove through in the spring when I went to Daffodil Hills. It seemed like a great place to take pictures but Indian Grinding Rock was just that...a big rock with holes. Not to exciting...and then Volcano was a cute town...just not a lot to take pictures of...we made do though. Had a great time at the bar up there and grubbed on food! They have a tradition at the bar up there to sign a dollar bill, then pin it on the wall....we did not want to break tradition!!! Even if our photo plans don't always pan out...we find something fun to do and make it a GREAT day!!!!

We kept ourselves entertained at indian grinding rock...

Time for some drinks and food at the bar in Volcano

In September I flew down to Southern California to visit Chontel and her family. All three of their kids are my Godchildren and I love spending time with them...they are awesome little people!
We took the gondola up the mountain in Palm Springs. It was a scary ride since Chontel and I are afraid of heights...but so worth it once we got up there...

Our tour guide...Chontelllleeee

We felt like we were on top of the world

Next stop...Colorado again...this time Adam and Kristen left me alone with the kids for the first time while they vacationed in Mexico. I had so much fun with the kids...took them to the zoo a couple of times, wildlife experience, butterfly pavilion, and went to ride Thomas the train. I look forward to every moment I have with my nephews...this was one of my favorite times so far!
Thomas the Train...the kids LOVED it!

We baked cookies...I think the boys just wanted to lick the spoons though!

Spent a couple days at the zoo...Cooper was able to feed the birds. He was so excited!!!!

We also went to the aquarium. The sting rays splashed Cooper...he said that means they love him.

What's better than a picnic in the living room????

Maybe a big blue Slurpee...

I love that they love each other!

The day after I got home from Colorado, Marcia and I left for Virgina City, Nevada. It was a fun trip...we got lost (even with a GPS) saw an awesome lightning storm from the top of a mountain...and did our usual singing and dancing on the long car ride!

OK...this is where we got lost...I stopped and took a picture of the sign...1st clue. My GPS kept saying "re-calculating route" 2nd clue... and there was NO ONE in sight, 3rd clue....yep...I can get lost ANYWHERE!!!

All the way up to Virginia city there were signs saying that you had to see the "famous suicide table". I thought it was going to  be mesmerizing....NOPE...just a table.

Thought this was awesome...looks like baby Jesus giving the peace sign. Stopped in the rain to get this picture!

We drove to North Shore Tahoe and sat on this dock and drank relaxing!

Last trip of the year was up to the wine country to do a segway tour. We had this planned since we got the groupon in the spring. I admit...I had a mixture of excitement and nerves. We all know that I have a history of hurting myself doing "nothing". Soooooo...when it comes to activities where i may break another bone...there is a part of me that is like, "maybe I will go sit at the bar and have a drink while you take that adventure." Despite my nerves...I climbed on and took the adventure. Other than the ducshbag that was included in our group that keep trying to make dangerous was great. (yes...I did tell the duschbag "I don't like you, you scare me." I know it sounds juvenile but it was a total reaction at the time. :) ) Now...I am a segway junkie. Once you go segway, you don't go back!!!

Just in case you want to know which one is the "ducshbag"...It's the guy right next to Marcia.

We laughed so much and had a great time!

All the segways parked as we wine tasted.

I am so blessed in life...I have amazing people to share it with and have opportunities to go on so many adventures. I love and live life to the fullest! I want to see as many places, experience as many things and meet as many new people in my life as I can...
2011 was an awesome is to 2012 being just as great...if not better!