Thursday, November 1, 2012

A month of being thankful...

This year more than ever I feel like I need to focus on what I have to be thankful for. This year has been a taxing year for me in many ways. BUT it's MY choice to focus on that, or all the wonderful things in my life.'s my goal to blog once a day in the month of November about what I am thankful for... here it goes!

Today I am thankful for Gabriel. He has brought a lot of joy into my life, even through his ups and downs. He has a great sense of humor and is so kind and gentle to little kids, animals and the elderly. He is the best cuddlier EVER! He ALWAYS gives me a hug and kiss when I see him (and I don't even have to ask...for a 12 year old...that's a miracle. lol) He is so fun to take on photo trips and is always the first to spot a great picture. He is super creative and I really believe that one day he will be a great inventor of something amazing! (You should see all the things he has already invented...robot housekeepers, ping pong games ect) He has taught me to love even when it's hard to, have patience and be more creative! So day 1...I am thankful that God brought Gabe into my life! :)

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