Just happened to find a bull in China...wanted to ride him but did not think I would make it 8 seconds without the cops throwing me in China jail.
Our next stop was breakfast. We both wanted something familiar so when we saw the Golden Arches...we literally heard, "Amy....Sam....come to me." I was nervous to order because of the language barrier, but it became apparent quickly that they have a certain protocol for dealing with foreigners. As soon as the lady saw me walk up....she pulled out a laminated menu with photos for me to point to what I wanted. To be honest...relief set over me, for I no longer feared I would get some strange meal for lack of communication.
After breakfast, we were supposed to go to the yu yuan gardens...one of the largest gardens in Shanghai and filled with coi ponds and everything you imagine to be beautiful. We found what, on the map said was yu yuan gardens, but was not what we were looking for. The maps are quite confusing...even with months of planning on where to go. But in true Amy and Sam fashion....we just switched gears and made plan B even more epic than plan A. We wandered the streets and vendors of Shanghai. A few things I noticed...they keep the city very clean. There are street cleaners sweeping and mopping (with real mops) the streets and sidewalks 24/7. All the brooms are hand made...I watched a man making them in the park. They are made with a thick branch from a tree and thick shrubs....they tie the shrubs to the branch....and whalaa you have a broom.

Watched this man do Tai Chi in the park

Watched this man do Tai Chi in the park
After exploring the city streets we hailed a cab to the Peoples Park. We walked past the main government buildings where stationed in front were guards with rifles dressed in green uniforms and hats with thick brims....standing so still that they looked like statues. Next to the government buildings was the opera house....and that's Amy's happy place. The Peoples Park reminded me of what I imagine Central Park in New York to look like. Curved walkways, benches filled with people enjoying the spring weather, kids running on the grass playing ball. The most amazing part of the parks in Shanghai is how well maintained they are, grass perfectly cut, flowers blooming and arranged in amazing designs, hedges cut with not a leaf out of place. The time involved in maintaining the parks must be grand. At the end of the park was a clock tower...just like the one in back to the future...well ok maybe this one was a tad bit cooler than that....considering it had a rooftop bar. Yep...you heard me right...a roof top bar with beautiful views and lounge seating outside. Considering it was only 11am...we did what any other red blooded American would do...ordered a stiff drink and enjoyed the view. Apparently we were the only ones that thought a stiff drink at 11am was a good...no great...idea because we owned that rooftop like a boss.

We had to check out of our hotel at this point so we hailed another cab....by the way, cabs are so cheap in china. You can get across town for $3...it's a cheap wild ride. This cab driver was interesting. First let me tell you that NO cab drivers speak a lick of English and don't read it either....found this out the hard way when I tried to give him the address for the hotel in English and he just went on a rant in Chinese.....EICK...are we going to make it back to the hotel? Well...after many hand signals and both of us staring at each other with the "deadly blank stare" for what seemed like an hour but was only five minutes we made it to the hotel. We packed up and hailed yet another cab...I guess I am a slow learner! Now that I am thinking of it...some of our funniest moments in China so far have been cab related. This next one beats them all. He pops the trunk...gets out...I throw my bag in and the car starts rolling down the alley with no one in it...yep...you heard me...NO ONE IN IT! The driver ran along side...grabbed the door to stop the car...jumped in and threw the car in gear...but wow what a laugh! I had this whole flash in my head...the car hitting the man and bursting into flames, and I will not be able to wear anything but the clothes on my back for 10 more days. We know I won't find clothes in my size in China.
Starbucks in China...YIPEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Off to the Xin Tian Di district. All I can say is freakin awesome. This is an area lined with restaurants from every part of the world...French, German, American, jazz club...everything from around the world...all in one spot...and to top it off...a Starbucks, Hagen Daz, and Coffee Bean. The buildings were all unique and old...beautiful staircases...a lot of it reminded me of New Orleans. We picked the German restaurant for lunch where we ordered brats and a cheeseburger.
So, all the parks have these exercise machines. People of every age come to the parks here to exercise, play games or just sit and talk. The parks and all the people in it were one of my favorite parts of Shanghai.
Starbucks in China...YIPEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Off to the Xin Tian Di district. All I can say is freakin awesome. This is an area lined with restaurants from every part of the world...French, German, American, jazz club...everything from around the world...all in one spot...and to top it off...a Starbucks, Hagen Daz, and Coffee Bean. The buildings were all unique and old...beautiful staircases...a lot of it reminded me of New Orleans. We picked the German restaurant for lunch where we ordered brats and a cheeseburger.
So, all the parks have these exercise machines. People of every age come to the parks here to exercise, play games or just sit and talk. The parks and all the people in it were one of my favorite parts of Shanghai.
Next up....no plans...just wandered the streets and parks. No direction, just turned a corner when something looked interesting. Another cool thing about Shanghai...they have a ton of parks and all filled with cool things. A few parks had bright colored exercise equipment...newspapers to read, men swinging small bird cages around and placing them in the trees and tables filled with men playing cards for money. We sat and watched the men playing cards...the games were intense. Seemed like they were not playing for fun...this was about money and status. It was a male dominated game....no woman anywhere around them.
The older men with the bird cages were intriguing. They were all very proud of these birds in the small cages. All the cages were the same size...same design but all from different men. They had a comradery with each other...strategically placing their bird cages in the groves of trees with the beautiful pink blossoms. They would all talk and point to the best spot to place the cage...it seemed to be a way to show off their birds...much like a dog show in America. The birds were jumping like crazy in the cages...squawking so loud it seemed like you could hear them a mile away. I wondered if they did it for attention because they wanted out of their small cage or because they liked the attention as much as their owners?
The older men with the bird cages were intriguing. They were all very proud of these birds in the small cages. All the cages were the same size...same design but all from different men. They had a comradery with each other...strategically placing their bird cages in the groves of trees with the beautiful pink blossoms. They would all talk and point to the best spot to place the cage...it seemed to be a way to show off their birds...much like a dog show in America. The birds were jumping like crazy in the cages...squawking so loud it seemed like you could hear them a mile away. I wondered if they did it for attention because they wanted out of their small cage or because they liked the attention as much as their owners?
One more crazy cab ride to the train station...that place was stimulation overload! So loud...screens everywhere...TVs, commercials, information screens....but then I saw it...another Starbucks. Second floor....here I come...and what do you know...a candy store right next door. We were going to be on a train for the next 5 hours...so we needed resources...STAT! Loaded up on junk food and off to our terminal where we met a super cool German dude living and working in China. Had some great convo with him....and off to a bucket list item of mine. Ride the high speed train in China...check!
The train station is beyond HUGE...and jam packed with people!
First class seats on the high speed train going over 300km...yes please!
Now, as I sit on the train, sipping my Starbucks...snacking on Chinese Oreo straws...chocolate wafers and Pringles...listening to the chatter of a group of drunk men in Chinese in one ear and my iPod playing Keith Urban and John Legend tunes in the other ear...I realize how much I love all the experiences I have in life and how it forms and changes me as I grow. Ready for epic adventure day 3....
The train station is beyond HUGE...and jam packed with people!
First class seats on the high speed train going over 300km...yes please!
Now, as I sit on the train, sipping my Starbucks...snacking on Chinese Oreo straws...chocolate wafers and Pringles...listening to the chatter of a group of drunk men in Chinese in one ear and my iPod playing Keith Urban and John Legend tunes in the other ear...I realize how much I love all the experiences I have in life and how it forms and changes me as I grow. Ready for epic adventure day 3....
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